My new job: PhD Student!

I’m extremely happy to be able to share that starting this September, I will be working as a Ph-D student at University of Twente. It was in the works for quite a while now, but this morning I was informed that the last hurdle was overcome. And oh, what a magnificent project I will be working on!

From the project proposal (which I co-authored):

Technological development and legislation during the last century in European countries and the United States have allowed women to gain increased control over their fertility, which coincided with the rise of the relative socio-economic position of women in this same period.


The Ph-D project consists of a retrospective, comparative empirical study encompassing European countries and the United States. The relationship between fertility decisions and the educational and occupational life-courses of women is central to this study, but the main focus is on how this relation is affected by governance and technological advance.

I almost cannot wait to start working on it, but will have to (also: Must. Graduate. Soon!). But expect me not to be able to refrain myself from starting to read a little (more) on the subject. So, if the writing on my blog will shift towards a specific direction, you’ll know why this is!

3 comment on “My new job: PhD Student!

  • yeahhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh 😀

  • Congratz!

  • Hoi Rense, ik kwam toevallig op je site terecht. Ik studeerde ook sociologie in Nijmegen en heb daarna een jaar in Rostock gezeten voor de internationale research master Demografie. Je moet daar maar eens rondkijken; er is een hele fertility afdeling (o.l.v. Joshua Goldstein) waar altijd de mogelijkheid is als gastonderzoeker te werken of langs te komen voor een presentatie. En er loopt heel veel talent rond. R is favoriet daar. Wellicht allemaal overbodige info voor jou, maar ik wilde het je toch even zeggen. Je project is immers heel interessant! Succes ermee.

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